What will you invest with me for Business Mentoring & High Performance Coaching to guide you, share my life’s wisdom, and ensure you can become more successfull?
Success ENSURANCE…Better than luck and smarter than “insurance.”
WealthShifting Coaching and Business Mentoring Training Project for smart people who choose to be more successful.
If you work for money… This business and Mindset training can change your life – a Growth-optimised Mindset is EVERYTHING!
Business Training Mentoring & Simple Strategies to ENSURE that you can become a Wealthy Millionaire.
Simple business training steps with a smart business mentor and coach to run or start a new (Home) business… YOU can take action now to transform your future and finances for the better. This unique business training WILL change your life.
We offer some Free coaching and business mentoring… and some Special full time mentoring on a paid basis…It’s now, for the first time, within your grasp…! ONE small decision, this small shift, could transform your life forever! 
Tired of your job..? Want to work less and have more…?
More time and more money…? More happiness and freedom?
Want to start a (home) business with minimal risk?
Happiness comes from a balance of Time and Money Freedom…The problem with most people is they either have too much of one of the other… Too much free time and not enough money… or earning a lot of money and no free time… both are a self imposed hell!
What’s it worth to you… to be mentored…to learn how… to think, feel and act… learn how to become a Millionaire with step-by step business training and business Mentoring and Coaching?
What would it be worth to you if a real millionaire shared all of their wisdom and experience about a SMARTER way in business and life? Imagine beging mentored and exposed to extensive business training by someone who has done it already…
Start your business Mentoring training and learning NOW…at No Risk…No Cost
I’m open to begin building a relationship with you based upon a win win deal.
If you are potentially interested in business Mentoring & training and a new millionaire mindset, please subscribe free, so we can start to move forwards.
I know that you don’t know me, so I’m not expecting you to pay me money right now, but I would like to begin a relationship with you and have the opportunity to earn your trust. I’m willing to take the first step, and as part of beginning that relationship, I have something I think will be of use and value to you.
Consider: There are 2 kinds of people…
Wealthy (5%-8% ; Decision makers) or Life-Long Strugglers (92%+ : Decision Avoiders!) Which one are You?
The real challenge is you…
Will YOU be part of the 3%-5% … make a shift and take a smart decision to transform your future, starting now?
Results based on 35+ years of research with 2243+ people.
Remember … This information has NEVER been available before.
In making decisions…
most people dont understand the difference between value and price. they make decisions on price alone miss life-changing incredible VALUE because of that.
Although I am a Millionaire, you might never know it…And that is my specific INTENTION…To share the specific strategies ANYONE can begin to apply to put them onto a better adventure called life.
WealthShift is a Transformational Business Mentoring Process. I call it… Success “ENSURANCE”.
Please note…My business Mentoring, Coaching, Guidance, training system has never been offered before…and may never be offered again.
This is not some unbelievable way-out scheme to make you a Gazillionaire on 10 seconds…
It’s a simple structured business mentoring training process, that I’m prepared to share with you, on how I’ve managed to transform most aspects
of my life to ensure that have a life style, better than 90% of the planet
Take control today…of your thoughts, feelings, finances…your relationship to money, and your life
- Be coached by a Millionaire…on how you to can become a Millionaire.
- No hype… No marketing manipulation… No artificially limited sales stories… No BS!
- Just my down to earth…personal wisdom from life and business that has enabled me to achieve a very nice quality of life.
- I believe…with my experience, guidance, business training, mentoring and coaching…you can achieve too.
My information has NEVER been made available before… Ever!
I have invested most of my adult life… that’s many thousands of hours exploring and getting to understand what keeps people from succeeding.
When I was 20, I was fortunate enough to work at an exotic car showroom, selling…Ferrari’s, Porches, Lamborghinis, De Loreans, Panteras, Rolls Royces, Mercs, and all of the smart cars people dreamed of owning and driving.
Luckily, I could I drive any one of them… any time I liked…BUT… even more valuable… I got to meet wealthy people …hundreds of wealthy successful, and not so successful, people every month.
And, being the student of life that I am… I discovered and learnt a lot from these, already, wealthy people!
I learnt a ton about business Sales, Marketing, Negotiation, Persuasion, Influence, Honesty, Presentation, Perceptions, Goals, Focus, Ascertaining real Value, Networthing, Relationships, Money Momentum, Resilience, Recovery, Finances, Debt eradication, Self control, Self Esteem, Smart Decisions, Happiness, Success and True Peace.
I’m ready to share this information with you, but… Beware…! It’s simple…just not Easy…
If you decided to just try to replicate what other seemingly successful Entrepreneurs have done before, without understanding their thinking, beliefs, values and mindsets that drives their actions and behavior, you’re very unlikely to easily emulate their successes…
in fact you could lose everything you have already worked for!
It seems that Entrepreneurs who achieve real financial freedom and also have personal fulfillment, are driven by different mindsets and belief systems from the norm.
So many people have lost everything they have worked for… because they did not understand the specific process behind creating the results.
The harsh reality of life is this…by about 65 years of age, around 85% of most people have run out of money…with real no solution to their financial problems…
They end up HAVING to eat dog food to survive! This could be you… unless you are smart enough to make sure that you have ENSURANCE?
- Fact: We are living far longer than before… up to 20-30 years longer…Unless you are smart…You WILL run out of money at some time.
- Fact: Competition is increasing on a global scale..,YOU have to ensure that you take care of YOU. Who else will?
- Fact: Your Pensions and insurances are never as big as the insurance company “promised” they “could” be. ENSURE your future.
- Fact: Most people only have about 2-3 months worth of funds orresources before they run out of money.
- Fact: Affirmative action in South Africa is unlikely to change soon, if anything, representative or proportional employment will be harder on you!
- Fact: Most people won’t take action until it’s too late. And then it really is TOO LATE!
Are YOU ready to be SMARTER…? Are you ready for a change… a real SHIFT? … a mindshift to create a WealthShift?
We provide Success ENSURANCE… Business Mentoring training info, education, business opportunities and coaching on …
- Upgrading your Financial Mindsets
- Business training
- Optimising your resources
- Debt Elimination & Management
- Wealth Coaching & Mentoring
- Smarter Money Management
- Removing Limiting Beliefs
- Eliminate Fear of Failure
- and much, much more.
Most people KNOW what to do…… but DON’T DO what they know…for 1 simple reason…We have the solution to that “limiting” reason…
You can participate on different levels of involvement
- Ensurance Level 1: Full-Time Business Mentoring Work directly with me – Most powerful & effective
- Ensurance Level 2: Online WealthShift email Coaching Project
- Ensurance Level 3: Free WealthShift Report – Whay you are not wealthy… and what you can do about it right now.
“Money isn’t the most important thing in the world. However… it does rate right up there with air! Want some more?”
If you spend 40 hours or more per week working for money… then my business Mentoring, coaching, training and information is definitely for you…
If you desire a better future, one where you have time and money freedom, a future where you are in control, rather than some “pain-in-the-butt” boss, then this is your ticket to a new lifestyle.
I have been SELF-Employed for most of my adult life…. and man-o-man… it’s had it’s challenges, but it it has been worth it!
Here is a profound fact to ensure your decision… ALL of my coaching students have a 100% certainty that their futures will be dramatically better, because of their
involvement with us and our special immersion style business training process!
Time to make a decision that will impact the rest of your life. You are where you are right now because of the decisions you have made, consciously or unconsciously, in your life. All of the results are down to you…
So back to the question at the top of this page… What would it be worth to you to learn how to be a millionaire?
Whatever figure you have in mind… multiply it by 10 and it would still be awesome VALUE. Your challenge is not… can you afford it?… It’s can you afford NOT to do it?
Your challenge is… I’m only going to be accepting 12 lucky people to particiapte directly with me. So time for action… Either way… I wish you all the luck in the world with your endeavours.
Option 3. Free WealthShift Report… Claim Your Wealth Warriors Insights Report now
Discover the top 10 reasons why most people are not wealthy & what you can do about it right now! Take Action to transform your future. No money-wasting insurance, but life-changing ENSURANCE!
Time for smart action… Get Ensurance today
Option 2. Free Email Wealth Coaching Project…now open for Pre Launch Beta Testers
13 session mindset make-over coaching – beta testers can apply to participate here.
People who cannot participate in the full time face to face mentoring process can still gain big benefits with this sponsored coaching
We’re offering you an opportunity to be SMART and take action NOW… to improve your future…
Subscribe free to our Beta Wealth Coaching Project -or send an email to WCWBETA(at) coachfree.com to register as a beta tester or register on the right of the page now with… ” Wealth Coach Wanted” in the AREA of INTEREST.
Option 1… Full Time Face-to-Face MENTORING for 12 lucky people in Gauteng South Africa
Are you ready to become…the Millionaires’ APPRENTICE? I’m offering Full Time coaching and Mentoring opportunity for Face-to-Face MENTORING project for just 12 lucky people.Click the Green “Go” button for more info on Full Time Face to Face Business Coaching / Wealth Mentoring Project…
Your LifeShift #AdaptAgility Coach & Real Results Mentor in business Coaching/Mentoring training that will transform your life and business.
Tony Dovale